e-book Waterwheel World Water Day Symposium 2014 – 3WDS14

New Article: Water e-Motion: Transformative Views, published in Water Views: Caring and Daring – Waterwheel World Water Day Symposium 2014 – 3WDS14
e-book. The book can be downloaded for free here:


This paper discusses a few films in which images of water, dance and movement play a key role and generate transformative views. It explores and reflects on poetic depictions of water that heralded a transformation in art and consciousness, and screen-based images and technology which can induce empathy to water creatures and sensitivity towards the ways water is being perceived, treated and shared. The exploration builds on Maya Deren’s seminal theory of the ritualistic form in film, and the relevance of ritual in media activism online as theorized by Gene Youngblood. It is also supported by research of kinesthetic empathy, with special reference to empathy stimulated through watching dance in films and movement choreographed for the screen. On this basis, I identify a common aesthetic trend that underlines depictions of extinction through water from Hiroshima to Fukushima. I analyze the formal style and demonstrate the crucial role of recent visuals and approaches undertaken by artists, scientists, and activists jointly involved in transforming and equalizing humanity’s relationship with water and the environment, e.g., The Dolphin Dance Project. Further account is provided on the interrelations of film, ritual, activism and global interactivity online based on my creative experiments entitled Water e-Motion.  

The article can be accessed via the link to chapter  3. Activism, Art & Science - projects catalysing change at many levels

As a guest author, Lila Moore wrote an Overview on a number of presentations on Art, Activism and Science. The Overview can be accessed via the link to chapter:  3. Activism, Art & Science  - projects catalysing change at many levels

She also wrote an Overview on Performance that includes the networked performances: Metamorphosis by Atefeh Khas, Ebb & Throw by Bonnie Hart, and The Empress Tears by Pegi Marshall-Amundsen and Suzon Fuks.
The Performance Overview can be accessed via the link to chapter 8. Performance

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