Presentation at The I-Node of the Planetary Collegium

 Image recorded on the Waterwheel platform, presenting a concept of networked ritual.
 © Lila Moore, 2014

Lila Moore's presentation at The I-Node of the Planetary Collegium in Kefalonia, Greece 
Photo copyright © Becomebecome, 2014 all rights reserved.

Research and practice background: early experimental performances and images by Lila Moore

This research presentation is interlinked with, and based on conclusions deriving from, PhD thesis and practice by Lila Moore
Meditation across space-time - The image was recorded on the Waterwheel platform. 
The movement/choreography aspect of the work is essential to the concept. The performer is Rose Ketter, a holistic dance/movement specialist performing a series of movements intended to activate compassion. The background is composed of e-Water videos.  

What is Compassion? An ongoing exploration of what makes people feel and express compassion and how compassion feels as a sensation in the body and mind.

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