Mythical Screendance Journeys

(c) Lila Moore

One of the main topics explored in this thesis on Dance on Screen is the mythical journey as expressed in films that depict the inner realms of their protagonists and the way these are interwoven within external realities. I argue that the aesthetic language of screen choreography, or screen-dance, allows the depiction of unique states of body and mind through the manipulation of movements in space and time. Thus, it is a language equipped to depict events or narratives that take place in mythic zones and mythic times which transcend ordinary reality and existence.

The following clips are examples of mythical journeys as expressed in screen-dance: 

The analysis of Dust is available in the thesis. The analysis of River Woman, which I presented in several lectures including an academic conference for the study of contemporary spiritualities, will be published in the near future.

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